Let’s talk about it !

One of the areas covered by the FoodWal portfolio is Kombucha, a drink that is both 2,000 years old and innovative! Read an article published by Wagralim on this subject here. We also talk about it in our scientific publications section.

During an interview with Daily Science, the director of the Smart Gastronomy Lab (ULiège), Dorothée Goffin, discussed part of the PROTEBoost project. Find out more about her talk here.

An eye on tomorrow: microbe-based food and connected plates for the future. RTBF chose to talk about the PROTEBoost project, and more specifically the involvement of UMons (ProtMic) and ULiège (LSG) in its Sunday 26 March 2023 edition. You can read what our partners had to say here.

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