
Several units at ULiège are involved in the FoodWal portfolio.

The Laboratory of Gastronomic Sciences (LSG) is a scientific partner in the MICROBoost and PROTEBoost projects. The LSG has created the Smart Gastronomy Lab, a walloon living lab which catalyses creativity and stimulates innovation in the food sector. This experimental platform, accredited by the European ENOLL network, will be responsible for developing fermented beverages with high organoleptic and nutritional value, tools for observing food behaviour and substitutes for dairy and meat products based on purple bacteria.

The Precision Breeding and Nutrition Unit (PLN) is a scientific partner in the MICROBoost project. With its unique expertise in Belgium in animal nutrition, health, behaviour and welfare, the PLN unit will be responsible for assessing the impact of microbiotics on intestinal health and stress in pig farming.

The Protein Engineering Centre (CIP) is a scientific partner in the MICROBoost and PEPTIBoost projects. Its expertise in protein engineering will be an asset in the development and characterisation of new microbiotics and bioactive peptides. The inter-university (ULB-ULiège) Robotein® platform will be called upon to carry out this mission.

The Mass Spectrometry Laboratory (MSLab) is in charge of the coordination and scientific management of the PEPTIBoost project, with the CER group. It is also a scientific partner in the project. Its expertise in proteomics and high-resolution mass spectrometry will be put to good use in the fine characterisation of the bioactive peptides developed. The Proteomics platform, set up in 2007, will be used to carry out these tasks.

The Microbial Processes and Interactions Laboratory (MiPI) is a scientific partner in the PEPTIBoost project. Drawing on its experience in analysing the dynamics of microbial populations, MiPI will be responsible for the development of a new cellular host for the production of enzymes catalysing the generation of innovative bioactive peptides, as well as for the continuous implementation and scaling-up of the bioprocesses developed.

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